Preschool Teachers’ Knowledge Level of Dyslexia in Turkey
2023-12-18DOI: to Cite
This study aimed to reveal preschool teachers’ knowledge level of dyslexia to support and develop vocational education programs. In the study, preschool teachers' knowledge of dyslexia was examined considering three sub-dimensions: general information, symptoms/diagnosis, and treatment of dyslexia. The quantitative study was conducted using the general survey model, and the sample consisted of 153 preschool teachers working in Ankara. The study data were collected using a personal information form and the Knowledge and Beliefs about Developmental Dyslexia Scale (KBDDS). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Games-Howell Post Hoc test. The study findings revealed that the preschool teachers’ knowledge of dyslexia was low. It was also determined that participants' working experiences or education status did not affect the knowledge and belief levels of dyslexia. However, a significant difference was found only in favor of high-school graduate teachers only in the symptoms/diagnosis sub-dimension. A significant difference was also found in favor of teachers who received training on dyslexia in all sub-dimensions.
Dyslexia knowledge, Preschool teachers, Dyslexia awareness, Preschool educationIssue
Volume 38, Number: 2, Year 2023 of International Journal of Special Education