Increasing Concentration of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Students Through Gamification Learning Media in Indonesian Inclusion Elementary School
2023-05-07DOI: to Cite
This study aims to determine the patterns of increasing concentration of Special Needs students in Indonesian Elementary Schools. Since these students often have difficulty understanding the educational process, gamification is considered an alternative to improve their learning outcomes and concentration in Elementary School. In this study, a descriptive-qualitative approach was implemented to describe the techniques used by the teacher to improve students’ learning concentration in the classroom. A total of 13 participants, consisting of 4 Elementary School teachers, 4 Special Needs students, 4 parents, and 1 inclusion institution principal, were observed and interviewed.
Furthermore, data collection techniques included in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and classroom observation. The results showed that there was an increase in the concentration of ADHD students after using gamification media in the learning process. The parents of these students provided adequate support, and the principal’s policy recommended strengthening parental relationships and using gamification media. These results are expected to be useful for teachers and study experts interested in conducting various analyses on ADHD students.
Students, Special Need, gamification, contretation, inclusion elementary schoolIssue
Volume 38, Number: 1, Year 2023 of International Journal of Special Education