Slovak Teachers’ Self-efficacy towards Inclusion of Students with Autism in Physical Education Classes from the Perspective of their Experience


    Dagmar Nemček , Lucia Bundová , Daša Švecová




How to Cite

Nemček, D., Bundová, L., & Švecová, D. (2024). Slovak Teachers’ Self-efficacy towards Inclusion of Students with Autism in Physical Education Classes from the Perspective of their Experience. International Journal of Special Education, 39(2), 102–113.


The inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorders in physical education classes is a topic of growing interest due to its specific nature compared to other subjects where a high level of teachers’ self-efficacy is required. The study's objective was to determine the level of self-efficacy toward the inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorders among physical education teachers in Slovakia and to compare it between teachers with and without experience. Of the total number of 117 physical education teachers in Slovakia (mean age of 41.92±8.74 years), 66 teachers had included students with autism in their lessons in the last 5 years (teachers with experience), and 51 PE teachers had not included students with autism (teachers without experience). The research data were collected using the PESEISD-A questionnaire. Levels of self-efficacy to include students with autism do not differ between teachers with and without experience. Slovak PE teachers perceive themselves as moderately capable of including students with autism in their classes. They strongly expressed the need to collaborate with other professionals to increase their self-efficacy. Low self-efficacy was declared by teachers without experience in modifying rules, instructions, activities, and equipment and also in managing the challenging behavior of students with autism.


Self-efficacy, Physical Education Teachers, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Inclusion, Experience


Vol. 39 No. 2 (2024)

Volume 39, Number: 2, Year 2024 of International Journal of Special Education