Remote education of students with disabilities in inclusive forms of education in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022-01-09DOI: to Cite
Remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic has become a challenge for educational practice worldwide. Students with disabilities found themselves in an unusual situation in inclusive forms of education. This article presents the results of qualitative research conducted within a group of 34 teachers of older primary classes (IV-VIII), who, during the pandemic, had among the children they were teaching students with disabilities. Study aim was to evaluate how is online education of these students is conducted. As a result of the research, three descriptive categories of problems with remote education of students with disabilities emerged: participation in (remote) classes of the disabled students; development/regress of competencies of students with a disability due to online education; educational perspectives – inclusive education of students with a disability after the pandemic ends.The results of the research can be a base for reflection about the necessary actions supporting students with disabilities and their teachers in the perspective of returning to school and the execution of the inclusive education idea in Poland.