Behavior Problems Inventory-Short Form – the Polish Adaptation and Validation
2024-12-15DOI: to Cite
Behavior problems in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represent a significant challenge requiring supportive interventions. The fact that there are no standardized research tools in Poland makes it impossible to assess this phenomenon in Poland, as well as to plan effective interventions. The study aimed to develop and adapt the Polish version of The Behavior Problems Inventory-Short Form (BPI-S).
To determine the psychometric properties of the tool, reliability and validity analyses were carried out with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), Cronbach’s α, and for 70 participants, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).
Factor analysis confirmed the three-factor structure of the Polish version of the BPI-S. The internal consistency was acceptable. For frequency, the result was from questionable (SIB subscale) to good (Aggressive/Disruptive Behavior and Stereotyped Behavior subscale), while for severity it was good. The test–retest reliability of the BPI-S was very high (ICC = 0.93).
We found the BPI-S to be applicable in assessing challenging behaviors in this sample of Polish people with ASD. The Polish language version of the Behavior Problems Inventory-Short Form is a reliable tool for assessing problem behaviors in individuals with autism spectrum disorder.