Arab Prophylactic Measures to Protect Individuals with Disabilities from the Spread of COVID-19


    Suhail Mahmoud Al-Zoubi , Bakkar Suleiman Bakkar




How to Cite

Al-Zoubi, S. M., & Bakkar, B. S. (2021). Arab Prophylactic Measures to Protect Individuals with Disabilities from the Spread of COVID-19. International Journal of Special Education, 36(1), 69–76.


This descriptive research is aimed to assess the prophylactic measures used to deal with individuals with disabilities (IDs) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Arab countries. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission report for Western Asia (ESCWA, 2020) has been reviewed. The report included prophylactic measures employed to protect IDs during the COVID-19 pandemic in 15 Arab countries. The methodology of the research included using an analysis method to identify the nature and viability of the prophylactic measures used in Arab countries during the pandemic. The result showed that 65% of the prophylactic measures were governmental, and 35% were non-governmental. 55% of these measures dealt with all disability categories, 30% with hearing impairment, 10.83% with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and 4.17% with visual impairment. Saudi Arabia and Jordan were the two Arab countries that provided the most prophylactic measures to IDs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Arab countries, COVID-19 pandemic, individuals with disabilities, prophylactic measures


Volume 36, Number: 1, Year 2021 of International Journal of Special Education